How to copy some slides from a Power Presentation to your PowerPoint file.

How to copy some slides from a Power Presentation to your PowerPoint file.

When you copy entire slides between different presentations, you can keep the backgrounds and styles from the original source presentation or let your existing PowerPoint replace the colors and backgrounds with the style you already have set. Here, the Power Presentation is referred to as the 'source' and your existing PowerPoint is the 'destination'.

1. Open the Power Presentation that has the slides you want to use.
2. Down the left side of PowerPoint are the thumbnails for the slides. Highlight the ones you want, then use Edit > Copy (CTRL+C).
3. Open your existing PowerPoint presentation. In the left thumbnail list, put the curser between two slides in the list where you want the slides to be added.
4. Go to Paste Special (it is the down arrow under the Paste button in PowerPoint) and use the middle option "keep source formatting".
5. IF you want the style of your new slides to match the rest of your PowerPoint presentation, choose the first option under Paste Special "Use Destination Theme".
6. Edit the contents of your new slides.


All of the text is easily replaced with your own.
Charts and graphs use placeholder data. To replace the data in a chart, right-click the chart and choose "Edit Data..." to open an Excel spreadsheet where your data can be entered.
Images often have animations and styles applied to them. To use your own images, right-click an image and choose "Change Picture...". Choose a new image and the style and animation applied will automatically be applied to your new picture.
If you need more slides with a certain layout (for instance, you need to show a few extra slides with graphs), copy a slide with a graph layout and paste in as many new slides as you need.


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lyca (5/23/2022 at 10:53 AM)
Click the arrow next to New Slide on the Slides page of the Home menu, then select Insert Slides from Other Presentation. Click Select slides to insert, choose the presentation you wish to add, and then press Insert. Select the desired slides by clicking them, and then click Insert.
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